
Builds the Extensions from available source code files created by QOps-PrepareExtensions command.

New in version 1.9

Adds '_WIP_' prefix to the Extension name for rewriting bypass.

Since version 1.16


QOps-BuildExtensions [-Filter] [-Sort] [-Profile] [-Verbose]

Parameters meaning:

-Filter specifies parameters for selecting Extensions to process with QOps, allows filtering by following:

  • Name
  • Id (deprecated since version 1.15)

The multiple masks are supported in a way of repeating the field identifier group with a semicolon and with a comma separator inside a group, ex.: -Filter "Name=*ibcs*;Name=*api*,Id=*".

The Semicolon defines result joining with OR logic, the Comma defines results joining with AND logic. When the field name is omitted all possible values for this field will be applied.

-Sort specifies parameters for sorting Extensions to process with QOps, ex. -Sort "Name=Asc". Allows filtering by following:

  • Name
  • Id (deprecated since version 1.15)
New in version 1.10.59

-Profile overrides default User Profile with the specified one

-Verbose enables extended command line output




This command is not available in QlikView mode

This command is not available in QlikCloud mode