
Builds the applications from the available source files.


QOps-Build [-Filter] [-Sort] [-Reload] [-Inplace] [-UseLocalExtensions] [-UseBuildDiffs ] [-SetOwner] [-IncludeBookmarks][-AllBookmarks][-Profile] [-Verbose][-Forse]

Parameters meaning:

-Filter overrides parameters for selecting Applications to process with QOps, allows filtering by following:

  • Application Name
  • Application Id (OriginAppId or TargetAppId, see QOps-SetLocalApp for details)
  • Application Owner
  • Application Stream

The multiple masks are supported in a way of repeating the field identifier with a semicolon separator, ex.: -Filter "Name=*ibcs*;Name=*api*,Id=*,Owner=*,Stream=*"

The Semicolon defines result joining with OR logic, the Comma defines results joining with AND logic. When the field name is omitted all possible values for this field will be applied.

-Sort specifies parameters for sorting applications to process with QOps, ex. -Sort "Name=Asc". Allows filtering by following:

  • Application Name
  • Application Id
  • Application Owner
  • Application Stream

New in version 1.10.59

-Reload triggers reloading of the successfully built application

New in version 1.9

-Inplace defines that application will be updated keeping existing data without reloading

Experimental in version 1.12.41

-UseLocalExtensions specifies that Extension references will be processed with the original version mapped to the local ('_WIP_' prefix), instead of processing them as is by default.

New in version 1.16

-SetOwner allows to specify owner of the application(s), which means that application(s) will be built in the Work Stream of user specified

New in version 1.16

-Profile overrides default User Profile with the specified one

New in version 1.9

-Verbose enables extended command line output

-UseBuildDiffs uses differences in the Git repository to build only the changed files

New in version 2.0

-SetOwner sets the owner of the application

New in version 2.0

-IncludeBookmarks builds an app with unpublished bookmarks.

Updated in version 2.1

-AllBookmarks builds an app with all bookmarks.

Updated in version 2.1




QOps-Build -Filter "Name=*project2*;Owner = username1,Stream = Everyone"

QOps-Build -SetOwner "userDirecory\\userId"

Builds the applications from the available source files.


QOps-Build [-Filter] [-Reduce] [-Profile] [-Verbose]

Parameters meaning:

-Filter overrides parameters for selecting Applications to process with QOps, allows filtering by following:

  • Application Name

The multiple masks are supported in a way of repeating the field identifier with a semicolon separator, ex.: -Filter "Name=*ibcs*;Name=*api*"

The Semicolon defines result joining with OR logic, the Comma defines results joining with AND logic. When the field name is omitted all possible values for this field will be applied.

-Reduce overrides the mask (masks) of Application's File Name to apply properly filed properties set on building the application

-Profile overrides default User Profile with the specified one

New in version 1.9

-Verbose enables extended command line output

New in version 1.9



QOps-Build -Filter "Name=*application1*" -Reduce "*dashboard*"

Builds the applications from the available source files.

Since version 1.15


QOps-Build [-Filter] [-Sort] [-Reload] [-Inplace] [-UseBuildDiffs ] [-SetOwner] [-IncludeBookmarks][-AllBookmarks][-Profile] [-Verbose][-Forse]

Parameters meaning:

-Filter overrides parameters for selecting Applications to process with QOps, allows filtering by following:

  • Application Name
  • Application Id (OriginAppId or TargetAppId, see QOps-SetLocalApp for details)
  • Application Owner
  • Application Stream

The multiple masks are supported in a way of repeating the field identifier with a semicolon separator, ex.:-Filter "Name=*ibcs*;Name=*api*,Id=*,Owner=*,Stream=*"

The Semicolon defines result joining with OR logic, the Comma defines results joining with AND logic. When the field name is omitted all possible values for this field will be applied.

-Sort specifies parameters for sorting applications to process with QOps, ex. -Sort "Name=Asc". Allows filtering by following:

  • Application Name
  • Application Id
  • Application Owner
  • Application Stream

-Reload triggers reloading of the successfully built application

-Inplace defines that application will be updated keeping existing data without reloading

-Profile overrides default User Profile with the specified one

-Verbose enables extended command line output

-UseBuildDiffs uses differences in the Git repository to build only the changed files

New in version 2.0

-SetOwner sets the owner of the application

New in version 2.0

-IncludeBookmarks builds an app with unpublished bookmarks.

Updated in version 2.1

-AllBookmarks builds an app with all bookmarks.

Updated in version 2.1



QOps-Build -Filter "Name=*project2*;Owner = username1,Stream = Everyone"